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The MicrodermaMitt® Exfoliating Body Mitt, our most popular Mitt deeply exfoliates as it removes dead skin and other impurities trapped in your pores. Your skin will instantly feel smoother, healthier and look more radiant.


The MicrodermaMitt Exfoliating Body Mitt is made of 100% natural floss fibers, which along with our unique weaving process, grabs dead and dry skin cells for superior exfoliation.  As it exfoliates, it deep cleans your pores of oil, soap, lotions and other buildup. Your skin will instantly feel smoother, healthier and look more radiant. 

Exfoliating Mitt

SKU: 0006
    • Visibly removes layers of dead skin instantly
    • Stimulates collagen production, promoting healthier, smoother and younger looking skin
    • Helps remove and smooth keratosis pilaris (tiny bumps on back of arms, thighs and buttocks) to maintain bump free skin by unplugging hair follicles to remove the buildup of keratin which causes the red bumps 
    • Thoroughly removes previous sunless tanning products and delivers a more even and longer lasting sunless tan.
      Helps maintain a longer lasting sunless tan
    • Improves circulation to help prevent cellulite
    • Helps prevent razor bumps and ingrown hair
    • Dermatologist Recommended and Hypoallergenic

    Professional level results at home without the cost. No more expensive body scrubs or spa treatments necessary for smooth, healthy and radiant skin

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